Submit a Letter to the Editor – How and Where

Most newspapers publish short "Letters to the Editor" (LTEs) on their opinion page.  Some also publish longer "Guest Editorials" (or Op-eds).  Below is guidance on writing a LTE or Op-ed, and Section 2 is a list of Colorado newspapers and their submission information.

See the "How you can help" page for ideas on key points related to the Community Electricity Options project to consider in your letter.

1. Guidance on Letters to the Editor

Generic LTE structure:

RE: Letter to the Editor
TITLE (You can suggest a catchy title, but the editor may or may not use it.)
[body of your letter]
Your contact information (full name, full address, day and evening phone numbers)

2. Colorado newspapers

KEY:  Newspaper name (approximate circulation) – maximum word count.  Where to submit.  Notes.

Statewide & Denver:

Mountain - Regional:

Other cities, alphabetized: