Our approach is to make contacts, inform and organize toward initiating or supporting bills in the Legislature, participating in proceedings at the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), and engaging in outreach to the public.
Our status as volunteer Independent Advocates who are beholden to no one, affords us the freedom to speak plainly about facts and ideas that are in the best interests of Coloradans, which we always do in a respectful manner that is grounded in evidence and solid reasoning.
Our primary focus is to promote policy and regulatory solutions that would allow cities and other jurisdictions to address high electricity costs and/or to reach ambitious energy goals cost-effectively, specifically by bringing the successful Community Choice Energy (CCE) local energy model to Colorado. CCE would allow communities that are served by an investor-owned utility (Xcel Energy or Black Hills Energy) to choose alternative wholesale electricity suppliers and thereby gain more choice and control over their energy sources and energy costs.
READ MORE about CCE and its progress at the Colorado legislature and the PUC.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead